
IFToMM: Fomin Alexey Sergeevich

YDP Submissions

  • Last Name or Family Name, First Name or Given Name (e.g. Smith, John)
    Fomin Alexey Sergeevich
  • Organization/Department
    Siberian State Industrial University/Department of Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering
  • Street Address/PO Box
    Kirova Str. 42
  • City
  • Country
  • Postal Code
  • Email
  • Name of Conference and Number (and Acronym)
    European Conference on Mechanism Science, 2018 (EUCOMES 2018)
  • Place of Conference
    RWTH Aachen University, Germany
  • Dates of Conference
    September 04-06, 2018
  • Name of Conference Chairperson
    Burkhard Corves
  • Email Address of Conference Chairperson
  • Reason for Participation (paragraph)
    The participation in the European Conference on Mechanism Science-2018 (EUCOMES-2018) will give me a unique opportunity of being in a live face-to-face meeting with top researchers from mechanism and machine community as well as to establish contacts with them. Collaboration would be important for future networking and mutual research.
    I will have an opportunity to get important feedbacks and comments on the problem of advanced mechanical design of novel low-profile sickle drive which I am developing and going to present in the conference.
    The educational aspect of EUCOMES-2018 can expose me to new ways of conducting research and help me to discover how to be more productive in mechanisms and machines science. Without exposure to a variety of points of view I can miss new ideas and trends that can seriously impact my future research results.
  • Budget Information (Indicate the source sand amount of funds which will cover the costs not covered by IFToMM)
    All costs (except requested costs from Young Delegate Program) will be personally paid by the means of mine. One-off payment of 150 USD will be provided by home university. There is no additional support to attend EUCOMES 2018.

    The total estimates of costs to attend European Conference on Mechanism Science, 2018:
    - Return air ticket Novokuznetsk (Russia) - Düsseldorf (Germany) - 500 USD
    - registration fees - 300 USD
    - accommodation - 250 USD
    - Schengen visa obtaining - 50 USD
    Total sum - 1100 USD

    The costs are requested from Young Delegate Program (YDP)
    - registration fees - 300 USD
    - accommodation - 250 USD
    - Schengen visa obtaining - 50 USD
    Total sum - 550 USD (50% from total estimates)
  • Curriculum Vitae including date of birth. (Only one file can be uploaded)
  • Letter of recommendation from the Dean or senior person at applicant's home institution confirming that funds are not available from their institution to fully support the event’s participation. (Only one file can be uploaded)
  • Budget estimate for the total expenses of the participant to attend the conference. (Only one file can be uploaded)
  • Letter of support from the Chair of the Member Organization (MO) where the applicant works/studies. (list of MO Chairs with contact information is available at the IFToMM website). (Only one file can be uploaded)

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